Obviously our aim is to share music that isn't easily available from your local record shop (if it is YOU LUCKY LUCKY B@STARDS :) )
Therefore for US to use Services that ALSO make it difficult for you to use, if at ALL use! very much defeats our 'aim'.
We NEED your feed back.
You have told us in particular posts and depending on our spare time we (mainly Shmalfus) have added alternate links.
So its iF0lder & M3gaupl0ad all the way (with the odd borrowed link from RS etc on top)
RE iF0lder - If you peeps need a complete 'walk through'? I am about to post 1, so using the 'search this blog' type 'How to use iFolder' (this 'How to...' update will include screen grabs/shots with english text and arrows/circling etc.)
The processes involved is using MacOSX Safari & Firefox - The Firefox info should be identical, never in a million years will I fire up or even install I.E. :))))
IF after following the 'NEW' improved walk through you are unable to use iFolder, M3gaupload will be available, if notask and it will be up within an hour of reading your request.

please stick with ifolder, rapidshare, megaupload or mediafire... i'm really enjoying this blog.
just whatever you do, dont switch to sendspace or rapidshare.de those fuckers delete links wayyyyyyy too quick :(
nice work on everything man.
Heard about this through the Avant-Spiral blog. Killer tunes. Megaupload or Media Fire are best. THANKS.
divshare is very good.
the links on mediafire last very long, so this is always fine.
no go's:
-rapidshare (you have to wait, they delete files too fast)
-sendspace (is anyone able to get something from there?)
-ifolder is not the best thing either but acceptable
I just bought a premium rapidshare account.... I'm more than happy with ifolder, rapidshare or megaupload...
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