AZ-Rotator - Science Of Chance (2005)
Label: Ad Noiseam
Catalog#: adn 50
Format: CD
Country: Germany
Released: 2005
Genre: Electronic
Style: Breakbeat, Leftfield, Breakcore
01 - Siderocone (4:41)
02 - Genolom (6:46)
03 - Hemonem (5:43)
04 - Introvidum (0:57)
05 - Actinome (5:42)
06 - Dexter Random (4:35)
07 - Coxenoll (6:21)
08 - Cmosat (2:02)
09 - Empsaver (6:46)
10 - Omatron (4:08)
11 - Exoma (1:23)
have u something alternative link to this realease? i folder is i my thinking shit ly server
We will re upload to another server (deposit folder or up file) if you can't download at all but we just dont have the time to upload every file to 4many share sites.
We chose iFolder as it holds files forever (it seems unlike rapid$hares inactivity policy or sendspac3s 7 day inactivity) , + you can download simultaneously (hour wait in between each file on RS) and when (with this style of music) many files are 12" not totaling more than 30mbs etc it works out faster even if rapidshar3 is per file faster, 10 12" would be finished on iFolder in an hour but you would just be starting your second with RS, so whats gained is lost...
iFolder is our choice for this reason... If you can not download at all then we would upload to another service deposit folder is another alternative.
Its the old saying, you can please some people some of the time but not everybody all of the time.
Sorry bro.
And also at the moment theres some pulled files requireing reuploading asap.
Glad you like the stuff we post, always nice to hear appreciation.
Any 'borrowed' files maybe be on RS. I'll post any of these duplicates as well as our version.
If iFolder is showing this -->
На данный момент иностранный трафик у этого файла превышает Российский.
Вы можете получить этот файл только если посетите сайт наших рекламодателей помогающих оплачивать наши сервера и каналы. Нажмите сюда чтобы перейти к выбору рекламодателей.
you need to click the highlit word --> сюда
Then click any advert, wait 30 seconds and then the download sequence will reappear (its just a 'tariff' for a free service that kicks in after a month rather than dropping the file.
Theres already 2 posts in the archives.
Acidtrip, did you manage to download this or do you still want a different server?
is anybody on this forum, who has dw. this release and can share???
I'm unfamiliar with dw.
Is it a new release from AZ Rotator?
the only other release i know of is the free ep on Error label (theres is a new release coming out on Ad Noiseam and tracks on compilations)
heres the info of the free ep (Goto AZ's web page, the link to Error & the EP download is quicker/easier to get to)
- http://www.discogs.com/release/467603
If its not the Ad Noiseam release (not out yet) if you can give me a bit more info I may be able to find it...
yes, it is about new az rotaor realease:)
can u do something ? share?
ok, i have this one,
i folder ... ehh ;)
little gift;)
AZ Rotator - science of chance
no pw.
gift come from me :)
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