At the moment I am unsure if anyone visits anymore but if you do and you want AV to get back to what it was and more! (bringing the best quality rips and hardest to find tunes we are known for since 2006) then...
throw me an email (or leave a comment, i'll receive it - Obviously with email you can say what you want without others reading it.)
Tell me what you want to hear or what you don't.
Make 1 or 10 requests and i'll fill them. easy as that.
If you wish to share as a member email me also. My AIM, ICQ, iChat will be switched on for direct request / chats if theres a need for it. Looking forward to chatting about tunes and sharing 'em.
Also I like the idea of expanding a little on the Breakcore / Junglecore, Darkside Drum'n'Bass, Dubstep genres just a bit to also include some of the old skool Hardcore Labels from such classics as Bunker , SKAM , Firstcask amd more than i can think of right now.
Get in touch.
Use it or loose it eh? :)
REQ: maladroit, the teknoist, scheme boy, sickboy & detest discography !!;))
i understand ur feelings, i also ran a blog. no feedback at all, people don't communicate any more, they just come and get what they want and ciao...
as for me i'd like to hear some of that old skool quality underground uk 2step garage
i know it's not a progressive thing or request, but i cannot come to get good stuff like that at all anywhere. and i don't mean dj mixes, but ep's / singles
THX for all! :D
Antichristus – the antichrist lp
I agree with Unte - 2step would be sweet. Generally, however, I allow my tastes to be led by the many blogs I visit, and I've always found the music on AV really interesting and inspiring.
I feel bad, now. I ought to contribute more - just a comment here and there. I have a blog, and know how silly it can feel when you seem to be talking to nobody :)
i have always enjoyed this blog & i was really disappointed when it went down. you guys basically introduced me to dubstep & such. i promise to leave comments if you start up again!
Its nice to get some positive feedback. Had some emails also (of whom asked me to 'plug' their tunes/releases - so i will :) happily, buy them if you can.
Anyway the next question will be How to share?
I like MediaFire (atm :) ) as you can just keep on downloading.
I've always been a fan of ifFolder but i know its tricky to navigate, even though I don't speak a word of Russian It is reasonably easy to suss BUT :) i haven't a clue on actually setting up a dedicated Aural-Virus folder (all posh with background picture etc)
iFolder, as mediafire, allow multiple/parrallel downloads for FREE USERS (the idea of paying a share service is kind of backward when yer ripping stuff off, i don't like the 'angle'.
So with a bit more 'collecting' of tunes (i'm not sharing VBR or Joint Stereo IF i can help itAND deffinately no Less than 192kbps (if its 192kbps it wont be Joint stereo or a vbr ish rip) at 320 most rippers use CBR as they spent 3 minutes reading up the difference :)
Unfortunately I don't have a great upload speed, so FLACs are out :/ unless borrowed.
I'll be back with some more waffle some of it usedul.
Peace all n thanks for the positives.
damn logged in with my other account, me real name is Prince William not Darren, go arrest him for sharing mp3s. I mean him.
BTW anyone into making music?
In the style of this Blog?
I have another and was wondering if it would be useful to share apps or refills or samples for D'n'B,Dubstep - i've collected quite a few over the years, enough to make stuff from Ministry to Neu & anthing inbetween with an Amen break....
I'll stick with 1 blog 1st then i'll list what i have and maybe make the 2nd AV private(?)
Turk (not Darren ;P )
I need "Cardopusher - Raver in the Edge"!!!;
lossless: anything of Cardopusher; Aaron Spectre - Amen, Punk;
Johnny Clash & Stivs - Movement#Dustbinmen ;
Murder Channel Compilation 2009;
Rotator & Cardopusher - Jump Da Fuck Up-Fighters Unite;
CLASH009 - I:gor-Untitled
Thanks man. I owe u big 4 the Stivs post, rulin lp! Would be good to see some class old d&b from the mid+ 90's when tings weren't too Tick Tock! Full Cycle and S.O.U.R. ruled back then, let alone Formation b4 them. Do u know of anyone who experienced the Speed Dealer Moms?
Aural-virus is awesome!
also req more bambam babylon bajasch!
first of all thx 4 everything posted so far, great blog!!! =)
i found one of my favourite records here - the puzzling vs. invitro compilation
more In Vitro Records would be great - cant find anything except this compilation and the Born Bad EP by Krumble...
especially i would love to hear
Eight Frozen Modules - Deleated Chemistry
TEP - Equivalent Petrole
other records i'm searching for quite a long time
Various - Don't Mess With BBQ
and this old obscure breakcore record
Various - Angelicfricti0n EP
In Broken Key - The Remixes
...and more of the excellent Jetlag And Tinnitus Series by Si Begg (can only find 1,2 + the Reworks Limited Vinyl Edition)
...and ...and ...and
your site is very intersting one
First of all great site! Have followed it for years.
I would definitely love for you expand on the dubstep, jungle, breakcore, PARTICULARLY ragga style sounds.
Would also love to see:
UK funky
Oh and refills / samples would be most appreciated. ;)
Thanks for all the great music.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Yeah I love this blog. Good quality music. Its a shame some of the older links died :(
I think that u should upload future releases onto mediafire though, like someone said above, because u can keep downloading without limits PUHLLEAASEE. ;D
More amen destruction though. Stuff like Main$tream or Venetian snares or or orrrr FFF AMBOSS WEYHEYHEY.
Joker discography would be S.I.C.K.!!!
Thanks!!!! aural-virus is easly one of the best blogspots out there, even when inactive :D
Also idea with apps posts is very good, for now I've got only sonar + some native instruments :]
REQ: maybe some detroit techno? Anything from submerge records would be nice.
also, I'm looking for
Detboi / Raffertie - Bangers Volume Two
Yeah lets get some breakcore on the go! always appreciated!!!!!!
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You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link
SNATHK! I hope you are doing okay. What excellent work you did here.
when are you planning the big comeback? would love some recent RUFF records.. the last couple of records are missing in my collection.
Fine dubstep tracks
Free downloads
This is an excellent source of high quality material, please don't close it. Best regards from south america.
the music on your blog is great
I would like to see some
uk garage/2 step as well
Your blog is outrageous! I mean, Ive never been so entertained by anything in my life! Your vids are perfect for this. I mean, how did you manage to find something that matches your style of writing so well? Im really happy I started reading this today. Youve got a follower in me for sure!
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A (very) belated apology. I "mislayed" my login details when my then iMac 24 died (last apple product I'm buying, 10 years of being ripped off) so without the ability to login was unable to post, which sucks as it was great to see quite a few peeps enjoyed the old place.
I guess the only consolation is dubstep etc is shit now so not missing much on that side of things :) but I do have hard drives full of the old stuff that didn't get posted... maybe I'll start posting on 1 of the other 2 auralvirus blogs...
don't hold your breath though :D
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