a very earl Ad Noiseam / Tamvred Cdr/mini release
Tarmvred - Onomatopoeic
Catalog#: adn 08
Format: CDr, Mini
Country: Germany
Released: Aug 2001
Genre: Electronic
Style: IDM, Noise
Notes: 1st edition limited to 75 copies!!
2nd edition limited to 50 copies!!!!
Total 125 copies!!, must be good :) it is... honest.
Early Ad Noiseam release so its a good ole bit of Industrial Noisegrind (3rd track sounds like what babies hear when their mothers go to a knightclub, last track is a nice bit of synth pop and 2nd, a remix by Aural Blasphemy... nuff said on that.
1. Onomatopoesi (10:21)
2. E.C.W. (Remix By Aural Blasphemy) (3:37) Remix - Aural Blasphemy
3. Amfetakrom (Remix By Any Future) (3:19) Remix - Any Future
4. Mourning (Remix By Digidroid) (3:37) Remix - Digidroid
Borrowed hence its from that hole of spewing excrement, the anus known as Rap1dsh1te
Gonna get the last 2 Drumcorps 12" & CD posted then DubStep Allstars Vol 3, 4 & 5 = Burial & a Benga 12" (thanks to Cheal @ Avant-Spiral)
who has quite a nice varied collection, its a new(ish, been up for 4 months) place with a good crew and tunes to match from Psyched out rock to chilled IDM & some of the same crap we post, AND if a/ we haven't got it here & b/ the post is dead - has a massive collection of Venetian Snares tunes (god damn U Mr Funk & your 1000 releases) plus some rare unreleased tunes from the Funky oozeings of Aaron's pants...
Check : http://avant-spiral.blogspot.com - I'll pop a clickable hook for it in the right hand column after this.
Dean - YOU the man, I'm gonna go ape and download all those DVD Rompler sample discs I can never get - thanks man :))
btw if you want sample discs n apps check www.magesy.com or www.papadownload.com (magesy is better)
from DEAN
(I deleted the other bit cos I want the RS code all for me me me me me me me me me me me nemememenmdejmkefkjvzdjks
& Shmalfus can't use
here is a non rapidshit link for Tarmvred... even though I guess that sorta doesn't matter now...
I don't have problems with rapidshit already (except fuckin' time to wait between downloads, cause i've taken a public IP.
BTW. Does anybody want invite to Oink Pink Palace torrent trecker? I have 4 ones.
Yeah I'll have an invite :) - I was invited and I f*cked up my membership by not using it.
btw Dean left his membership (4 days left) I removed the info incase too many peeps got it 'blocked'
so heres the 'codes' (dosen't work on Rapidshit.de btw.
Login/name(?) - 1146023
Passw0rd - 451360782
I'll email it to you - if collected about 120 dubstep 12"s (I never bothered before cos they we're on rapidshi11t) also about 30 more albums, 2 DVD size samples and I've got more to go :) I have 50 gig of hard drive space left (I total about a TB - lost a 300 a few weeks back :((( thank F*CK it was my movie/TV documentary hard drive and not music, I got back most of the films except some great documentarys about shamanism, Will Burroughs, Robert Anton Wilson, Tim Leary, Alan Watts, Terence Mckenna & stuff)
i'll email it to you?
I changed my mind, n forgot to edit that...
hopefully you'll see this.
hang on, do you receive emails each time a message is posted in the comments? you should do..
if so you will already have the code..
hmm thats an idea, its almost worth buying a rap1dshit membership for collecting stuff, maybe we could buy 1 between us? I'll buy the 1st 3 months so (or whatever the pricing is) then you buy the next 3months?
... there are so many things I would like to collect (mainly sample romplers for music makin') its worth me having 1... and also its nice to just go to a web site and blitz through all the vinyls in 1 go its pretty good :))))))
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